Bridgeton, New Jersey resident Gary Cramer was recently found guilty of numerous sex crimes, including two counts of first degree aggravated sexual assault and six counts of second degree endangering the welfare of a child.
The charges were filed in connection with incidents in 2010 and 2011, during which Cramer enlisted a woman to send him photographs of herself performing sexual acts on two children. Additionally, the woman forced the children, a thirteen-year-old boy and an eight-year-old girl, to perform sexual acts on each other in the photos. She was charged with two counts of first degree aggravated sexual assault for these offenses and ultimately convicted. An investigation also led to police to another woman from Woodbine, NJ who sent images of herself performing sexual acts on an infant to Cramer.
The charges against Cramer carry a 10 to 20-year prison sentence, as well as a fine of up to $200,000. He will be required to serve 85% of the sentence before becoming eligible for parole; however, the state is requesting that the court impose an extended term in this case. As for Cramer, his fate will remain unknown until he appears in court for sentencing in October.
For more information on this case, please access the nj.com article entitled “Bridgeton man found guilty on child porn, sexual assault charges.”