Camden NJ Possession of a Hypodermic Needle or Syringe Lawyer
Drug Charges Defense Attorney with Offices in Collingswood, New Jersey

Everyone knows that possession of drugs is illegal. However, many people overlook the fact that a person can also be charged with a criminal offense just for possessing items such as drug paraphernalia and hypodermic needles. Further, a conviction for this crime can result in several significant consequences including time in prison. If you have been charged with possession of a hypodermic needle, it would be advantageous for you to contact a talented attorney who has experience dealing with these cases and can get you a positive result in your case.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Leonard Biddison have had tremendous success handling a huge volume of drug cases for years in Camden County including Cherry Hill, Gloucester, Audubon, and Winslow Township. In fact, one of the members of our criminal defense team is a former county prosecutor in New Jersey who used to prosecute drug charges for the State which means we know what kinds of arguments the prosecution might make. This sort of knowledge and expertise can be extremely valuable in your case. If you have been charged with possession of a hypodermic needle, having an attorney who knows what it takes to potentially beat the charges against you is imperative. Call the Law Offices of Leonard Biddison at 877-450-8301 anytime for a free initial consultation.
New Jersey Possession of a Hypodermic Needle or Syringe Statute: N.J.S.A. 2C:36-6
The law for possession of a hypodermic needle is explained under N.J.S.A. 2C:36-6. It provides:
It shall be unlawful for a person to have under his control or possess with the intent to use a hypodermic syringe, hypodermic needle or any other instrument adapted for the use of a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog or to sell, furnish or give to any person such syringe, needle or instrument. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a disorderly persons offense.
Note: There may be defenses available in you possession of a hypodermic needle case. For example if you are at least 18 years old and have valid photo identification, you can purchase 10 hypodermic syringes without a prescription. However, if you sell one of these purchased syringes, you will still be guilty of a disorderly persons offense.
Possession of a Hypodermic Needle or Syringe Penalties in New Jersey
Possession of a hypodermic needle is a disorderly persons offense in New Jersey. Penalties can include:
- 6 months in county jail
- $500 payment to the Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction
- $50 in lab fees
Contact a Cherry Hill NJ Possession of a Heroin Needle Lawyer for a Free Consultation
The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Leonard Biddison are always available to speak with you about your case and begin to formulate an aggressive strategy to defend you against a possession of a hypodermic needle or syringe charge. Our criminal defense team understands the details of the law in New Jersey and we will use this knowledge to help you best defend against these charges. Call us today at 877-450-8301 for a free initial consultation about your case.