Voorhees NJ Stalking Charges Lawyer
Criminal Defense Attorney in Camden County, New Jersey

Stalking is a very serious crime in New Jersey that many times occurs at the end of a relationship. When this happens, people tend to say and do things they never originally intended and can end up facing stalking charges. A conviction for this offense can carry several significant consequences such as monetary penalties and time in jail. If you have been charged with stalking, you need a talented and experienced criminal defense attorney to help you get the most desirable outcome in your case.
Throughout over 20 years of practice, attorney Leonard Biddison has handled a large volume of cases with great success throughout Camden and Burlington County including Cherry Hill, Gloucester, Pine Hill, and Somerdale. Also, one of the members of our criminal defense team is a former municipal prosecutor in New Jersey who used to prosecute various charges for the State including stalking. If you have been charged with stalking, having an attorney who knows what it takes to potentially beat the charges against you is imperative. Call the Law Offices of Leonard Biddison at 877-450-8301 anytime for a free initial consultation.
Stalking Lawyer in Cherry Hill NJ
N.J.S.A. 2C:12-10 explains the law for stalking in New Jersey. It can be either a third or fourth degree offense depending on a variety of factors as explained below.
Third Degree:
- if he or she commits the crime of stalking in violation of an existing court order prohibiting the behavior.
- A person who commits a second or subsequent offense of stalking against the same victim
- If he or she commits the crime of stalking while serving a term of imprisonment or while on parole or probation as the result of a conviction for any indictable offense under the laws of this State, any other state or the United States.
Fourth Degree:
- If he purposefully or knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his safety or the safety of a third person or suffer other emotional distress.
Note: “Course of conduct” means repeatedly maintaining a visual or physical proximity to a person or repeatedly conveying, or causing to be conveyed, verbal or written threats or threats conveyed by any other means of communication or threats implied by conduct or a combination thereof directed at or toward a person.
Note: “Repeatedly” means on two or more occasions
Penalties for Stalking in New Jersey
Penalties for stalking vary depending on whether a person is charged in the third degree or fourth degree.
Third Degree:
- Up to 5 years in New Jersey State Prison
- Bail between $20,000 and $50,000. The 10% cash bail option is available for this crime.
Fourth Degree:
- Up to 18 months in NJ State Prison
- Bail between $1,000 and $2,500. The 10% cash bail option is available for this crime.
Note: There are also other collateral consequences for a stalking conviction. A conviction will act as an application for a permanent restraining order which limits further contact between the parties.
Call a Gloucester NJ Stalking Lawyer for a Free Consultation
A skilled and knowledgeable attorney may be able to get your harassment charge downgraded to a non-criminal offense. The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Leonard Biddison are always available to speak with you about your case to see if this may apply and begin to formulate an aggressive strategy to defend you against a stalking charge. Our criminal defense team understands the details of the law in New Jersey and we will use this knowledge to help you best defend against these charges. Call us today at 877-450-8301 for a free initial consultation about your case.