Camden Police are investigating a hit-and-run that took place Saturday night in East Camden.
Specifically, authorities are seeking information on a white van that allegedly hit a man while he was getting into his car around 9:20 p.m. on North 27th Street. The van then fled the scene. The victim was brought to Cooper University Hospital and is said to be in critical condition. Authorities say the van is probably an early 2000’s Ford and most likely has damage to the front. Police ask that anyone with information contact them immediately.
If the suspect is apprehended by police, he could be charged with assault by auto or, if the victim ends up dying, the prosecution could upgrade the charges to reckless manslaughter. Assault by auto is usually a fourth degree crime in New Jersey, depending on factors such as the seriousness of the injury. This means that if the suspect is convicted, he could spend up to 18 months in New Jersey State Prison.
For more information on this case, access the nj.com article entitled “Camden police looking for white van used in hit-and-run that left man critically injured.”