Camden NJ Providing Alcohol to Minors Lawyer
Criminal Defense Attorney with Offices in Collingswood, New Jersey

Providing alcohol to minors is not always a criminal offense in New Jersey. For example, it is not a violation to provide alcohol to your children if you are in your home or at religious services. There are many cases however where you can be charged and convicted for giving alcohol to minors. If you find yourself facing these charges, it is in your best interests to contact an attorney who knows the details of this area of the law and can aggressively fight for you in your case.
The criminal defense team at the the Law Offices of Leonard Biddison defends juveniles charged with offenses such as theft of movable property, fake IDs, and cocaine possession in Camden County including Gloucester, Barrington, Pennsauken, and Cherry Hill. With around 40 years of combined experience, our defense attorneys know what it takes to help get you the most desirable result in your case. In fact, one of the members of our criminal defense team is a former county prosecutor in New Jersey who used to work on various charges for the State. This means we can predict what kinds of arguments the prosecution will make and use this knowledge to defend your case. The Law Offices of Leonard Biddison are available anytime for a free initial consultation to speak with you about your case. Call us today at 877-450-8301.
Providing Alcohol To Minors in New Jersey
The law for providing alcohol to minors is explained under N.J.S.A. 2C:33-17 which explains:
a. Anyone who purposely or knowingly offers or serves or makes available an alcoholic beverage to a person under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages or entices or encourages that person to drink an alcoholic beverage is a disorderly person.
NOTE: This subsection does apply to a parent or guardian of the person under legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages if the parent or guardian is of the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages or to a religious observance, ceremony or rite. This subsection shall also not apply to any person in his home who is of the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages who offers or serves or makes available an alcoholic beverage to a person under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages or entices that person to drink an alcoholic beverage in the presence of and with the permission of the parent or guardian of the person under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages if the parent or guardian is of the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages.
b. A person who makes real property owned, leased or managed by him available to, or leaves that property in the care of, another person with the purpose that alcoholic beverages will be made available for consumption by, or will be consumed by, persons who are under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages is guilty of a disorderly persons offense.
NOTE: This subsection shall not apply if:
b. A person who makes real property owned, leased or managed by him available to, or leaves that property in the care of, another person with the purpose that alcoholic beverages will be made available for consumption by, or will be consumed by, persons who are under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages is guilty of a disorderly persons offense.
NOTE: This subsection shall not apply if:
- The real property is licensed or required to be licensed by the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 33:1-1 et seq.;
- The person making the property available, or leaving it in the care of another person, is of the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages and is the parent or guardian of the person who consumes alcoholic beverages while under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages; or
- The alcoholic beverages are consumed by a person under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages during a religious observance, ceremony or rite.
Penalties for Providing Alcohol To Minors in New Jersey
Providing alcohol to minors is a disorderly persons offense. Penalties can include:
- Fines up to $1,000
- Mark on Criminal Record
- Up to 6 months in county jail
Contact a Gloucester NJ Providing Alcohol to Minors Lawyer for a Free Consultation
The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Leonard Biddison are always available to speak with you about your case and begin to formulate an aggressive strategy to defend you against your providing alcohol to minors charges. Our criminal defense team understands the details of juvenile law in New Jersey and we will use this knowledge to help you best defend against these charges. Call us today at 877-450-8301 for a free initial consultation about your case.